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President: Joe Larson
Vice President: Lorraine Shore
Treasurer: Joe Metz
Secretary: Mariko Saum
Board Members
Rene Fox

Jo Chinn

Jan Garrison

Membership Chair

Anne Andritsch


Show Organizers
ARO: Nancy RadichMariko Saum
All Breed: Joe Larson
Scent Work: Nancy Radich



HRKC is excited to announce we have a new meeting place for our meetings. Starting Wednesday, September 18 at 7pm, meetings will be held at The Working Spot - Sport and Pet Dog Training Facility at 755 West Washington Street in Sequim. Limited chairs available, so you may want to bring one.

Welcome to the
Hurricane Ridge Kennel Club website!


We are located on the Olympic Peninsula of Western Washington State, and our club takes its name from a beautiful mountain vista in the Olympic National Park. 


Founded in 1988 as the Kennel Club of the Olympic Mountains, the Hurricane Ridge Kennel Club is an AKC-licensed all-breed club and non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the interests of dog owners and breeders of pure-bred dogs. 

2019 HRKC Board Members
The Hurricane Ridge Kennel Club hosts several AKC events each year.  Mark your calendars!


2025 Show Schedule

  • TBA: AKC Scent Work Trials

  • May 30-June 1: AKC Agility-Rally-Obedience Trials

  • July 25-27: AKC All-Breed Shows and Rally and Obedience Trials

  • August 8-10: Agility Trials


We also take an active role in sponsoring and participating in a variety of community events. 

Our monthly meetings provide a relaxed atmosphere where we can socialize while enjoying educational programs and guest speakers. Meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm at The Working Spot - Sport and Pet Dog Training Facility at 755 West Washington Street in Sequim. Contact President Susan Parr for meeting information: 


The club focuses on encouraging good sportsmanship and providing opportunities to increase knowledge about the sport of pure-bred dogs and performance dogs.

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